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China's machine tool industry is expected to steady growth over the next five years

by:Fortuna     2021-02-11
China's machine tool industry obviously lagged behind the development of automobile and engineering machinery industries, machine tools and machine tool is the equipment manufacturing industry, to revitalize the equipment manufacturing industry in our country, must be the revitalization of the machine tool industry. Large precision high-speed CNC equipment, CNC system and the feature is the focus on the development of equipment manufacturing industry during the 11th five-year plan. From the point of machine tool model, used in ships, national defense of large and heavy machine tool demand will increase; Look from the products, the demand for domestic high-grade CNC machine tools, machining center will significantly increase, the demand for cheap, general machine tools will be leveled off. In the next five years, the machine tool industry is expected to remain stable growth of 15%. Among them, because of the domestic machine tool nc ratio and the improvement of domestic market share, the growth rate of nc machine tools will be around 30%; Mid-range nc machine tool import substitution effect will appear every year; But I can't catch up with high-end CNC machine tool technology Germany and Japan, high-end market is difficult to shake; High-grade CNC machine tools in our country in technology to close to similar foreign products, the price advantage obviously, the proportion of exports will also increase year by year. Current nc machine tool enterprises in product design level, quality, accuracy and performance compared with foreign advanced level 5 ~ 10 years behind the; The gap in advanced technology reached 10 ~ 15 years. At the same time, in the application technology and technology integration in our country is still relatively low, the capacity of the relevant technical specifications and standards of study and formulate relative lag, home-made numerical control machine tool has not form a brand effect, it needs to be further innovation and integration of industry. The last: hardware industry original sales channels will be replaced
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