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Dongguan Hardware Stamping Co., Ltd., 15 years of focus + how to maintain stamping dies

by:Fortuna     2021-04-09
Dongguan Metal Stamping Parts Co., Ltd., the stamping die used in production, will wear out after reaching a certain number. If it is not maintained and maintained in time, it will cause hidden dangers to later production. Xiaoshuo and you briefly describe several maintenance methods for stamping dies: 1. After using the hardware mold for a long time, we will find that the cutting edge must be sharpened. After grinding, the cutting edge surface needs to be demagnetized. It cannot be magnetized, otherwise it will be easy. Blocking occurred. 2. Check the fastening parts of the hardware mold, and check whether the fastening parts are loose or damaged. If there are such cases, the way to be taken is to find the parts of the same specification to replace; check whether the screws, fixing pins, etc. are loose, will they be loose? Jump out and explode the mold, and lock it with a wrench if it is loose. 3. The punch is prone to breakage, bending and gnawing during the use of the mold. The punch sleeve is generally gnawed, and the damage of the punch and the punch sleeve also needs to be replaced with parts of the same specification. 4. Check the tightness of the guiding device and add lubricating oil to prevent the mold from overheating and fuzzing; anti-rust treatment for the non-production hardware mold. 5. For the maintenance and maintenance of pressing parts and unloading parts, pay attention to checking the parts of each part for damage during maintenance, and repair and update the damaged parts. Hardware, 15 years of ingenuity focus on Dongguan Hardware Stamping Co., Ltd., 20000+ sets of mold customization production experience, monthly 100+ sets of mold processing capacity, daily production capacity of 3 million punches, stamping accuracy up to 0.01mm, 16 quality inspections strictly . It can quickly solve time-critical problems for you, solve stamping accuracy problems, and solve production quality problems. Choose, choose to rest assured!
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