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Guangzhou metal stamping parts factory, what is high-strength steel stamping + raw materials adopt national standard original factory

by:Fortuna     2021-04-01
The hardware in charge of the Guangzhou Metal Stamping Parts Factory said that today's high-strength steel and ultra-high-strength steel have achieved the lightweight of vehicles and improved the collision strength and performance of vehicles. Therefore, they have become an important development direction of automotive steel. However, with the increase in sheet strength, the traditional cold stamping process is prone to cracking during the forming process, which cannot meet the processing requirements of high-strength steel plates. Under the condition that the forming conditions cannot be met, the hot stamping forming technology of ultra-high strength steel is gradually studied abroad. This technology is a new process that integrates forming, heat transfer, and structural phase transformation. It mainly uses the characteristics of increased plasticity of sheet metal and decreased yield strength under high-temperature austenite state, and the process of forming through molds. Keep improving is the constant pursuit of people. Hardware, 15 years of focus on Guangzhou Metal Stamping Parts Factory, 20,000+ sets of customized stamping die production experience, monthly processing capacity of 100+ sets of molds, daily production capacity of 3 million punches, stamping accuracy up to 0.01mm, and 16 quality inspections. check. Do every piece of metal stamping with your heart, is your great partner!
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