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Metal stamping factory Dongguan, planning a standard production process to reduce costs for customers

by:Fortuna     2021-03-31
Metal stamping factory Dongguan, in the production process, planning a reasonable production process, not only can reduce labor and reduce losses, but also improve efficiency and increase quality, while reducing costs for customers. 1. A strict inspection system must be established during production. The first piece of metal stamping parts produced daily must be fully inspected, and the inspection must be passed before it can be put into production. At the same time, inspections must be strengthened. Deal with it in time. 2. During the stamping process, the mold cavity should be kept clean, and the orderly processed workpieces in the workplace should be placed neatly. 3. Adhere to a civilized production system. For example, the transfer of metal stamping parts and accessories must use appropriate workstations, otherwise the surface of the workpiece will be crushed and scratched and the surface quality of the workpiece will be affected. Hardware, 15 years of ingenuity and focus on metal stamping factory Dongguan, 20000+ sets of mold custom processing and production experience, monthly 100+ sets of mold processing capacity, daily production capacity of 3 million punches, stamping accuracy up to 0.01mm, 16 quality inspections strictly. It can quickly solve time-critical problems for you, solve stamping accuracy problems, and solve mass production quality problems. Choose, choose rest assured!
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