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Metal stamping stamping waste causes - - For you to answer

by:Fortuna     2021-02-09
Metal stamping stamping waste causes - - Stamping for your answers is at room temperature, installed on the pressure of moulds for sheet metal pressure, make its produce a separation or plastic deformation, to obtain the required parts of a pressure processing method. Also known as the cold stamping or sheet metal stamping. Metal stamping production, then, what are the reasons for the waste products with stamping, precision to detailed answer for you! Metal stamping stamping waste causes: 1, the poor quality of the raw materials; 2, the installation of the punching die adjustment, improper use; Article 3, the operator did not put the correct position along the feeding material or article there is no guarantee that the material according to certain gap feeding; 4, die due to long-term use, clearance changes or itself working parts and guiding parts wear and tear; 5, die due to the impact vibration time is too long loose fastening parts of the die installation position change relatively; 6, the negligence of the operator, no operating according to operation procedures. Metal stamping stamping waste solutions: 1, the raw materials must be consistent with provisions of technical conditions, Strict inspection specifications and grades of raw materials, in the case of conditional to require high dimensional accuracy and surface quality of workpiece in laboratory tests. ) ; 2, for the procedure specified in each link should be comprehensive strictly obeyed; 3, used by the press and die tooling equipment, should guarantee the work under normal working state; 4, establish a strict inspection system in the production process, stamping pieces must be comprehensive inspection, after inspection qualified can be put into production, at the same time to strengthen the inspection, when accidents should be handled in a timely manner; 5, adhere to the civilization system of production, such as artifacts and transfer ware must use the appropriate workstation, otherwise will be crushed and scratch the surface of the workpiece surface affect the workpiece quality. 6, in the metal stamping process to ensure that the mold cavity clean, to organize an organized workplace processed workpiece to be well organized.
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