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Stamping process of quality control

by:Fortuna     2021-02-09
Stamping parts quality control process of stamping quality policy: people-oriented is the foundation to the guest for respect is key quality is the key to technology is the core one: stamping parts quality assurance 1. 1 advanced quality planning & amp; Internal control assessment of PFMEA and summary of verification with making the product quality control plan review test equipment assessment confirmed that the new product trial-produce validation and evaluation summary and mold transfer 1. 2 stamping process quality management laws and regulations requirements for internal transformation and the implementation of industry standards & amp; Customer requirements and implementation of the production quality control and supplier quality management and counseling supervision and quality exception 1 improvement and tracking equipment maintenance and maintenance. Late 3 stamping parts quality service customer quality and environmental requirements of updating and transformation of property management and maintenance of client exception handling and tracking
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