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Stamping production safety problems

by:Fortuna     2021-02-01
In the actual production, commonly used to approximate the manufacturability of stamping process test, such as deep drawing performance test, bulging performance test and other test materials stamping performance, to ensure the quality of the finished product and high qualified rate. The precision of the mould and structure directly affect the forming of stamping parts and precision. Mould manufacturing cost and quality of life is to affect the cost of stamping parts and an important factor. Mold design and manufacturing needs more time, it extended the new stamping production preparation time. Mold base, frame, guide the standardization and development of simple dies ( For small batch production) Progressive die, compound die, transfer ( For mass production) , as well as the development of quick die change equipment, can reduce stamping production preparation work and shorten the preparation time, can reduce suitable for stamping production preparation work and shorten the preparation time, can make the suitable for mass production of the fine stamping technology used in small batch more varieties production reasonably. Stamping equipment in addition to the thick plate with hydraulic press forming, generally adopts the mechanical press. Conveying machinery and tooling libraries and quick die change equipment, and use the computer program control, automatic stamping production line can be of high productivity. In production dozens, hundreds of stampings per minute, in a short time to finish feeding, punching, the pieces, discharge waste process, such as personal, equipment and quality accidents occurred frequently. Therefore, safety in production of stamping is a very important problem. General artifacts in the stamping process, due to the stamping process, especially in the process of cold forging stamping processing, temperature rise quickly, must add lubrication lubrication products, if you do not use lubrication and direct stamping, welding - Components of the assembly, the surface has no oil is easy to welding and assembly. Research and practice show that the love of beauty in metal inert gas arc welding, tungsten electrode gas shielded arc welding, resistance welding applications have good results.
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