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The Advantages Of CNC Machining

The Advantages Of CNC Machining


The Advantages Of CNC Machining

1.Labour Safety
First and foremost, CNC machining saves lives. The operator of a CNC machine is safely separated from all the sharp parts by a special protective construction. He can still see what goes on in the machine tool through the glass but he doesn't need to go anywhere near the mill or the spindle. The operator doesn't have to come in contact with the cooling fluids either. Depending on the material, some fluids can be hazardous for human skin.

2.Labour Economy
Now, conventional machine tools needed constant attention. I mean, the operator moved every part of the tool himself. That means that every worker could work only on a single machine tool. When the CNC era came, the situation changed drastically. Most parts take at least half an hour to process at every setup. But the CNC machine tool does the cutting part by itself. There is no need to touch anything. The tool moves automatically and the operator just has to check if there are any errors in the program or the setup. That being said, CNC operators found they had a lot of free time. This time can be used to work with additional machine tools. So, one operator, many machine tools. Means that you can save up on personnel.

3.Excellent Machine Tool Conditions Monitoring
With conditional machining, the operator had to pretty much "feel" his machine tool. It means that he had to determine Machining faults and cutting tools getting blunt pretty much on instinct and experience. Even then, his decisions may not be optimal. Modern CNC Machining centers are crammed with different sensors. You can monitor torque, temperature, tool life, and other factors while the workpiece is processed. Based on that information you can perfect the process in real time.

For example, you see that the temperature is too high. Higher temperature means tool wear, worse metal properties and so on. You can just lower the feed or increase coolant pressure to fix the issue. Despite what a lot of people say, machining is the most widespread method of fabrication today. This process of removing material chip by chip was created since immemorial times and is now a perfected precise instrument of fabrication. Every industry uses machining to some degree. There are no exceptions. However, some industries get more out of machining than others.

4.Stable Replication Accuracy
What's more stable than a verified computer program? The movement of the instrument is always the same because its precision depends only on the precision of the step-motors. In conventional machining, the replication accuracy differs greatly because it comes from the operator. And human error is always bigger than that of a program.

5.Higher Cutting Parameters
High-speed machining has become available only because of the sealed off cutting zone. At such speeds, the chip flies at high speed all over the place. The chips are followed by a shower of the coolant fluid since it is administered at a high pressure when high-speed machining is concerned. Manual operation is simply impossible when the speeds reach 10000 rpm or more. The cutting speed is high and it is very important to keep the feed rate and the chip width stable to prevent vibration. It is impossibly hard to achieve manuall.

6.Higher Machine Tool Flexibility
The conventional method was that a milling machine tool does groves or planes, a lathe does cylinders and tapers and drilling machines make holes. CNC Machining can combine all of the above in one machine tool. Due to the ability to program the tools trajectory, you can replicate any movement on any machine tool. So, we have milling centers that can make cylinder parts and lathes that can mill grooves. All of that to provide for fewer setups of the part.

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