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What is the cause of mold wear during the production of metal stamping parts? + 20,000 sets of stamping die production experience

by:Fortuna     2021-04-01
In the production process of metal stamping parts, stamping die wear is often encountered, resulting in defective stamping parts. Xiaoshuo will work with you to find out what exactly is the reason for accelerating the wear of the stamping die: 1. Improper matching of the upper and lower dies. During production, when the upper and lower dies are tightly closed, there is a deviation, which will accelerate the wear of the stamping die. 2. No punching oil is added, so that the temperature of the punching die will rise during the punching process of the upper and lower die, which will cause serious wear of the die. 3. When the stamping die is processed, the quenching temperature and tempering quality are not up to the standard, which will also cause accelerated wear. 4. During the manufacturing process, if the pressing force is biased to one direction or one point, the main die will also be severely worn. Hardware, 15 years of focus on hardware stamping parts, with 20,000+ sets of stamping die customization and production experience. The monthly processing capacity of 100+ sets of molds, the daily production capacity of 3 million punching times, the stamping accuracy can reach 0.01mm, and the 16 quality inspections are strictly for quality control. Choose, can quickly solve the urgent problem of time for you, solve the problem of stamping accuracy, and solve the problem of production quality!
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