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Why does the die punch break during the production of precision metal stamping parts?

by:Fortuna     2021-04-09
When we produce precision metal stamping parts, a problem is prone to occur. The die punch is easy to break, especially for the precision and small parts, the number of punching is not many, which leads to a significant drop in production capacity and requires constant adjustment of the mold. Summarized some problems, which are common when we produce precision metal stamping parts. Today, Xiaoshuo will share with you why the die punch breaks during the production of precision metal stamping parts. (1) The closing height of the precision metal stamping die is too low, and the cutting edge of the punch is too long to adjust the closing height; (2) The material of the stamping part is improperly positioned, causing the punching punch to cut one side, adjusting the positioning or the feeding device due to force Uneven fracture; (3) The scrap of the lower mold blocks the knife edge, causing the punch to break and re-drill the large blanking hole to make the blanking smooth; (4) The fixed part of the punch (splint) and the guide part are repaired or re-cut The block makes the punch move up and down smoothly (strike); (5) The guide of the punch is poor, which causes the unilateral force of the punch to refit the punch gap; (6) The punch blade is too short, which interferes with the punch and replaces the punch. (7) The punch is not well fixed, move the punch up and down to fix the punch so that it cannot move up and down; (8) The punch edge is not sharp, re-grind the edge; (9) Punch surface Change the punch when it is strained or unbalanced when the material is removed; (10). The punch is too thin, too long, and the strength is not enough to change the punch type; (11) The punch is too hard, and the punch material is incorrect. Replace the punch Material, adjust the heat treatment hardness. The above points are the reasons why the die punch will break during the production of precision metal stamping parts. At the same time, suggestions are given for everyone to learn together. Always put quality requirements in the first place, customer satisfaction is our aim; to achieve customer satisfaction, all departments need to work together to achieve, whether it is a large customer or a small customer, we have the same high-quality service; from raw materials to production, we track the whole process, Solving technical and service problems, as customers think, so we are also deeply trusted by customers! contact number:
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