
One Stop Solution Manufacturer for all kind of Stamping Products and CNC lathed products.

Any Precision Auto Parts factories instead of trading companies recommended?

Trading companies are specialists that cover all export and import operations and procedures. They buy products in one country and sell them in different countries where they have their own distribution networks. Dongguan Fortuna Metals Co, Ltd.owns a modernized factory and is not a trading company. We purchase advanced machines from well-known companies from overseas and reasonably allocate them to our factory to improve our productivity. We ensure Precision Auto Parts is produced at a competitive price with no additional expense charged to the customers like a trading company will do.

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The obvious advantage of large scaled factory helps Fortuna consolidates the wide market of stamping parts. The cnc machined parts series has many styles to meet the diversified needs of customers. The product is built to last. Built with an overload protection system, it prevents the electric components and conductors from damage caused by current surge. The product is not easy to crack even under the high temperature. Our customers say once it is installed, they do not have to constantly adjust it, which makes it suitable for continuous and automated operation. It can be supplied with different packaging methods including plastic pallet packaging, carrier tape packaging, etc.

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By combining our industry knowledge with the renewable, recyclable and biodegradable material, we are able to meet customer demand for environmentally optimal products. Ask!

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Dongguan Fortuna was established in 2003. It has a factory area of 16,000 square meters and 260 employees. It is a production enterprise specializing in precision metal stamping parts, precision CNC processing, injection molding and product assembly.
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Japanese office
2-47-10-203Nishifunahashi, Hirakata City, Osaka
No. 226, Shida Road, Dalingshan Town, Dongguan 523810, Guangdong, China
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