One Stop Solution Manufacturer for all kind of Stamping Products and CNC lathed products.
It mainly depends on the required sample's specifications or other customization requirements and sample inventory of CNC Machined Parts, and also the production capacity of the manufacturing factory to some extent. In general, it may take a longer time for Dongguan Fortuna Metals Co, manufacture a customized sample. Or else, if the sample is in stock, the suppliers will arrange the delivery based on the order sequence. Customers can get the required sample as soon as possible. However, if there is not enough stock, the supplier will confirm the requirements from customers and deal with the order in sequence, which will take longer time.
Under strict quality control and professional management for metal stamping, Fortuna has grown to be internationally famous. cnc machined parts is the main product of Fortuna. It is diverse in variety. This product is weather-resistant. It is applied with a high-performance anodic finish which is primarily for exterior building products that must withstand continuous outdoor exposure. The product has a compact design and can be space-saving. The opportunities are endless with this product. It can turn into homes, garages, pools, stages, pop up bars, offices, workshops – just about anything one needs. Its raw materials all comply with the international RoHS standard.
Whether we're integrating cutting-edge technology to reduce our environmental impact, driving innovation to improve society or ensuring we operate ethically throughout our entire supply chain, we are fully committed to working as responsibly and sustainably as possible. Get an offer!
Contact Person: Steven Yan
Whatsapp: +86 15916928704
Phone: +0086 159 1692 8704
One-stop manufacturer for all kind of stamping products and CNC lathed products.