
One Stop Solution Manufacturer for all kind of Stamping Products and CNC lathed products.

stamping parts&&&lead frame ic
stamping parts-lead frame ic stamping parts-lead frame ic is identified as the iconic product of Dongguan Fortuna Metals Co, Ltd.. It excels other product in the attention to the details. This can be revealed from the refined workmanship as well as exquisite design. The materials are well selected before the mass production. The product is manufactured in the internationalized assembly lines, which greatly improves production efficiency and reduces cost. It is thus supplied at a competitive price.

Fortuna stamping parts-lead frame ic We emphasize the brand Fortuna. It connects us tightly with the customers. We always receive feedback from the purchasers about its use. We also collect statistics about this series, such as sales volume, repurchase rate, and sales peak. Based on it, we intend to know more about our clients and update our products. All products under this brand are now well accepted worldwide, after a succession of modifications. They will be in the lead if we continue exploring the market and making improvements. cnc parts manufacturer,cheap cnc parts,cnc parts for sale.
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we welcome custom designs and ideas and is able to cater to the specific requirements. for more information, please visit the website or contact us directly with questions or inquiries.
Dongguan Fortuna was established in 2003. It has a factory area of 16,000 square meters and 260 employees. It is a production enterprise specializing in precision metal stamping parts, precision CNC processing, injection molding and product assembly.
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Japanese office
2-47-10-203Nishifunahashi, Hirakata City, Osaka
No. 226, Shida Road, Dalingshan Town, Dongguan 523810, Guangdong, China
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